Friday 11 September 2009

Thursday 10th

Not a great session today unfortunately.

Perry snatched 93 but then really didn't get too close on his 2 attempts at 98. Was cutting the pull quite significantly. THings went better on the C&J. Did 110 and 115 pretty easily. Then went to 118 and after a very tough recovery got very close on the jerk.

I went for a front squat double on 152.5 but had to bail the second on recovery. The first felt strong so I should be good for this on Sunday. Then did 3 singles on power snatch with 110.

Emma arrived late after a tough first few days back at school (she's a teacher). Unfortunately on Tuesday she'd gone immediately from training and played an 80 minute rugby game. Needless to say, she was pretty beaten down so we didn't press too much tonight. Snatched up to 2 singles at 63 but they were lacking pop. Thenc cleaned up to 85 but missed the jerk through fatigue.

Hopefully after some rest, we'll all be able to put up some better numbers on Sunday (if Emma survives tomorrows match without injury). Hopefully Chris will drag his ass down to offer some motivation.

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Tuesday 8th September

Perry is back at work so it was just me and Emma at St Marys last night.

Emma was feeling a little beaten up and tired after England Rugby training at the weekend. She started by working up to an easy triple with 90kg on front squat. On snatches we experimented with a wider pulling stance which seemed to help her keep the bar close. The lifts themselves were a little out of the groove and she need two attempts at 62kg. We left it there for the day. The big step forward came on the jerks. The dip is now slightly deeper and alot more controlled. Once she combines this with a slightly wider split i think 90kg+ lifts will follow quickly. Today she worked up to 85kg before fatigue caught up with her and led her to miss the clean on 87.5kg.

I continued my emphasis on front squats. I wasn't feeling too great so was pleased to get a (ropey) double with 151 which isn't too far off my pb of 155x2. If I can push this up to 160x2 then I think a 150kg C&J will follow. After the squats, I interspersed coaching with a few power snatches, working up to 105kg

Perry did front squats after work at the commercial gym. He tells me he did 2.5reps at 120 and then dropped down to 100 for a couple of extra work sets. I intend to take him off the leash on Thursday so 97, 117 should be on the cards.